Thursday, February 27, 2020

Managing Across Cultures Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Managing Across Cultures - Research Paper Example The international HRM practices are the focal point of research community for a considerable period of time. Tayeb, (2001) notes that the social scientists engaged in studying management styles in various cultures could not subtract their emotions from their respective work, due to this reason their findings are not impartial. The employees are found to stand apart from adopting various methods of operating, which appears foreign to them (Kirkman & Shapiro), so the global enterprises have to select those people, who are not rigidly committed, to their indigineous ways of performing organizational tasks and readily willing to embrace new norms of doing the routine work. There is a significant positive link discovered, amongst the companies’ norms and these of overall domestic nuture across various nations on the globe (Verburg, Drenth, Koopman, Muijen, & Wang, 1999). Conflict Management Strategies The term team could be referred as an entity containing individuals, these indivi duals compensate for the weaknesses of each other and support each others’ strengths to achieve a common goal, often these formal groups are lead by an inidividual entitle as team leader (Sasou & Reason, 1998). Forming a team could take several years. During teamwork every individual has a distinctive task to perform, therefore when one or more teammembers are absent, they will be missed by other in the team, usuaally members of these teams are crossfunctionally trained to take up the role of others when needed common instances are football, basketball and baseball teams. The conflict of interesr could also arise within teams, often when the members constituting, an entity mentioned above have diverging objectives or goals from those of the entity. So the researchers identified the following strategies to manage the clash amongst the team members Arbitration through Openness This method revolves around frankness and low power distance among the levels of command within the or ganization (Rahim & Psenicka, 2002), so the individuals in conflict are given all means to rectify the undesirable condition and the top management does not interfere with the situation, but it plays the role of facilitator at most. This type of arbitration is ideally suitable for the cultures where power distance is low and sense of professionaism is at its best. Arbitration through Similarities This way is offshoot of the previous one, but in this case the team lead, is somewhat active in pointing out the similarities both parties have in common (Rahim & Psenicka, 2002),, thus attempt to ease the tension. Thus it is all about making the conflicting parties see each other viewpoint and practice empathy. Arbitration through Authority This method involves, leader utilizing organizational authority vested in him or her, to resolve the issue (Rahim & Psenicka, 2002), but in this modern era, this approach is discouraged, because in the long run it results in job stress and low level of organizational and job commitment among the suppressed ones. Non interference It is not a method of resolution, but it is best described as let the problems solve themselves (Rahim & Psenicka, 2002), it is the most passive approach and responsible for

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Managerial Controls Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Managerial Controls - Essay Example He should be relying more closely on empirical evidence instead on his personal opinion on the issue. 2) Does Rabobank Nederland have good control over the accounts managers its New York branch? Would you suggest any changes be made: (1) in the near future? (2) Over the next 5 years, assuming that the branch continues to grow? In the near future, Rabobank should always ensure to book good deals as it was part of its original components of the undertakings from the moment it started the whole wide operation. However, considering how Barr potentially considered credit risk management and would decide situation based on his personal opinion and not on empirical evidence, there should be potential changes to be made at Rabobank in the near future. Rabobank should further increase its control over the accounts managers situated in New York branch. However, assuming that the New York branch continues to grow in the next 5 years, Rabobank should ensure more enhancements rather than changes to be made and learn further on the skills attributed by the accounts managers for they must have been potentially good at what they are doing. As far as take over is concerned, a need to consider a control system is necessary, whether existing or new. However, in the case of AirTex and the take over of Frank and Ted, a new control system is necessary because the latter seemed to have great expectations not just on the entire company but to be specific this included the management and control system. Furthermore, there were other relevant and necessary factors that need to be included like culture. In the takeover, part of the concern of the new administration on management and control should include culture or the working environment. This part should not be overlooked as the new administration’s expectations should be aligned with the prevailing working